Age of Understanding
This book is the entry into a new age of understanding, of truth – of love. The wave, that goes across the globe – this is where it got a name. The search is over! The simple understanding that “a book in answers” demands has moved into actual, truly “tangible” proximity – for each of us.

The universal key
“A Book in Answers” uniquely combines the dialectics, argumentation and beliefs of every religion. It is the UNIVERSAL KEY. It is the New Earth Bible. Here the thoughts of Eckhart Tolle are brought to an end, here Milarepa, Meister Eckhart, Spinoza and Buddha, Christ and Mohammed appear – all animated in ALL-ONE.
A book of light
It is a book of light. It is the all-embracing declaration of creation, love. The way. Here, in a wonderfully tender dissolution, the pulses of doubt pass. We know who we are. Every fearful thought, the cemented belief in impermanence, a distant God in a world of discord – no longer touch the one who is only trying to understand.
A book – designed in almost bright green – green, the color of hope. We are of course talking about the book “A Book in Answers” by the wanderer Thich Om, which is currently being used, not only in the small spiritual community in which the author lives, is on everyone’s lips. A book that speaks of hope – of a positive hope – that has long been fulfilled.

Forgetting life in the dark
Light – in the form of words – that is what a “Book in Answers” embodies, that is what Th. Om would like to pass on. Because – quite obviously – and the narrative structure of the work revolves around this fact – in the darkness of our society’s idols we have forgotten who we are in holy truth.

Soulful simplicity
“Here comes the sun!” What is it that the world wanderer Thich Om wants to show us with his book? Quite clearly, the soulful simplicity of creation, which wants to bring us back to itself with all its own power, wants to lead us back from the dreary dream of our transience into the radiant light of non-judgment. This power, this reality – our true life made possible in happiness and without fear – that is what wants to be said, with the green light of the work “A Book n Answers”

You are meant
The questions go in this direction, there are the inevitably final, always internalized answers. Everything that every philosophy or religion, spirituality, whatever wants to interpret – it ultimately leads to yourself – directly to your „inner child“ your „kundalini snake“ your „heart center“ – whatever you want to call it – it points to End only on YOU alone.

Not a solitary effort
It is the green light of a deportation from the dreary structure of transience (“Scotty, beam me up!”) the transformation into the lived, happy, fear-free now that Th. Om wants to let shine across the world. And this is not a singular, solitary effort. Thich Om walks the path with a smile, together with people of nondualism like Eckhard Tolle, Prof. C. Dürr, enlightened people like Thich Nhat Hanh, Meister Eckehart, Spinoza, Milarepa and even Rilke.

Expansion of love
These people are given the opportunity to see behind the curtain – with the only task in their lives being to carry on the wisdom, the love of creation. To confirm the absoluteness of love in its expansion. It is by no means about a “new” consciousness in existence – it is about recognizing what has always existed as the only reality.

Love knows no secrets
Furthermore, it is important to recognize that this tender reality overflowing with love, by no means hidden somewhere under secret/uncanny mysteries, may only lie in an indefinable, uncertain later or “in the next life” in “another reality”. Creation, love, knows no secrets; its path to understanding is always direct, completely simple.

The book “A Book in Answers” by Thich Om is in no way against any orientations, philosophies, religions, spiritual currents or supposed insights. Rather, it embraces them all, with a tolerance, tenderness, love and care that has not previously existed in literature. They all eventually find each other, lovingly, in union. Somos unos. One world, one mind, one soul.

Why does our prayer cement false principles?
Forgiveness is freedom from time

Questions about “A Book in Answers”

The possibility of finding your way back to yourself, of opening doors that previously could not be seen due to mere misunderstanding. The work “A book in answers” pushes your nose into the discrepancies of ego thinking. By seeing the uncertainty of your existence in a different light, you change your life. With tender care, “A Book of Answers” tries to bring you closer to the solution to your problem of meaning with your existence.
Again and again, in hundreds of questions and answers, every word of which is one hundred percent truth, the book wants to remind you of your reality, which lies dormant within you, like the inner child, the Kundalini snake. The strongholds of your mind shake, sometimes harshly – creation, love is right in front of you. And she demands you!

Anyone who just tries to understand the words of the book has already won everything. Love, the Father, has taken him by the hand and will never let him go. And it will become clear that the idea of transience, the idea of death and suffering and war and illness and suffering is just a pathetic, crazy idea of the ego. “A Book in Answers” gives wonderful new impulses, the way in which the topics are brought closer to the reader, logically, sensitively, lovingly, reward the little effort.

Live without fear!
“A Book in Answers” – This is a book that will restore confidence in life to those who are only willing to understand. With wonderful power of words, the questions raised, the illuminating answers, the structural fabric of the text – lead to a view of the things of existence – which has only one goal: to remind us again that we are native children of love – not ourselves differ from her in the slightest. We too are absolute love.
A “book in answers” is suitable for dissolving fear – because it explains how things causally belong together: sin, judgment, fear. We get closer to the ego thought construction and, if we only want to, we recognize the perfidious system that hides behind magnificent frames, the dynamics of untruth that make it possible. We see that the ego cowers in constant fear of love, which means its dissolution, the negation of which, the extinction of all loving thoughts, seems to be its only purpose in life.
The approximately 450-page work “A Book in Answers” has so far been published in four languages. It represents the universal key to religions. Here the supposedly differently interpreted aspirations of each religion are brought together – a general, great, holy consensus emerges. A book in answers makes it clear that there is no death, no illness, no wars – if only YOU wish it with true love.
This book is suitable for getting you out of the smallness of your thinking and existence into which you have been crammed, whose shackles you have put on yourself, whose prison walls you have built yourself. And the further you advance into this understanding, the easier your life becomes – specifically, in your everyday life. Because love is more than real, it envelops you protectively every single moment – its only goal is to bring you back into the knowledge of yourself.
A book in answers tries to make you hear the old tune again. The sound of truth in which you finally realize that death, illness and sin never existed. You will be given the opportunity to change your way of thinking – you will be offered the chance to see the stones on your life’s path dissolve, to look at this in serene serenity with a happy heart. A book in answers gives you back the immense greatness, the power as a creator, which is completely yours.
Tantra – How can better sex be spiritual?
What is Tantra?
Tantra – understood by many people – the general information does not indicate much else – equated with intense sexuality – is a yoga path to enlightenment. There are almost countless ways to find salvation – every path is the right one and Tantra is one of them. Tantra is not a religion, but rather a “practical philosophy” in the sense of yoga. In contrast to other paths, Tantra focuses on physicality.
What distinguishes Tantra from other philosophies?
The tradition of Tantra takes the path through the presence of the body in this world. While other faiths, which nevertheless remain closely intertwined with Tantra Yoga, proclaim the constant detachment from all material things and attachments in general, Tantra methodology takes the opposite path. The sensory system, the fleshly body itself, with its nerve pathways and muscles, becomes an outstanding instrument.
Who can practice Tantra?
The mysticism of Tantra includes ancient, very concrete knowledge about the structure of the human body; the origin of Tantra practice also lies in the Vedic scriptures. The goal is to change the latent energies that are enormously amplified in sexuality, to change them, to make them accessible, and to dissolve blockages, towards the spiritual realization of the self, the achievement of spiritual immortality. Anyone can practice Tantra.
How can I use Tantra to improve my sex within a few weeks?
The question obviously sounds a little naive. In fact, learning the methodology of Tantra can be compared to studying one of the well-known Asian fighting techniques. Only hard, almost self-sacrificing training leads to ever greater success. The good news is that there are some exercise options that have a very practical and direct effect on your sex – without you being a Buddha.
Tantra is about the unity of all things?
The path of Tantra shows, albeit with a more diametric approach, the same goal as is also made clear in Hinduism and Buddhism – the goal of every religion, enlightenment, union with the universe. It represents an attempt, a way ultimately, to (very specifically) transcend the body itself. To promote the development of the existing love potential.
What about kundalini?
We find symbolism very strongly represented in Tantra. Tantra’s explanation for the inability of most people to reach higher levels of enlightenment, to realize liberation, is the lack of flow of energies in the human body. The tantra here refers to the 7 chakras through which the creator energy, kundalini, flows. These chakras, which is the error that needs to be corrected, are blocked.
“Tantra is by its nature an encyclopedic science. It is geared towards practice and is averse to all verbal battles. It lights the torch and shows the path, step by step, until the traveler reaches the destination of the journey”
John Woodroffe
A very practical path to enlightenment?
It is therefore important to achieve a free flow of energy through the chakras. In addition, the tantric belief, based on ancient traditions and experience, knows a number of very practical, body-related training methods – which practically affect the ability to orgasm, erection or also affect the time until ejaculation. Tantra wants to lead to enlightenment with and through the body and the senses.
Tantra sex removes blockages
The nature of Tantra seems to be to be misunderstood too. Followers of Tantra believe that this road to enlightenment is certainly one on which it is very easy to go astray. The path is radical and dangerous, but would lead to success very quickly. What distinguishes the tantric worldview from other Indian-Asian faiths is that they equate samsara (the world we experience) and nirvana (life united in God).
Radical attitude?
The followers of Tantra elevate experimentation above ordinary morality. The aim is to guide the student of Tantra to the experience that spirit and matter are both manifestations of the realm of the Divine Absolute, i.e. a higher reality. Tantra is an instrument of continuous physical and mental training – a loom – the instrument for knowing the fabric of the world – for expanding consciousness. Through continuous tantric practice, our true nature becomes clear – it is divine.
“The tantric universe is a magical universe. It is a world of magical simultaneousness, of the magical interweaving of everything that superficially manifests itself as separate and separate. Each unit is connected to all others, both horizontally, from cell to cell, from person to person, and vertically, like the atom to the molecule.“
Jochen Kirchhoff
Does “the” Tantra even exist?
The spiritual view of Tantra is also divided; there are various schools. For example, there are the Kaula, Trika, or Karma Kagyu schools. Basically there are two directions: Dakshinachara – right-handed Tantra – and Vamachara – left-handed Tantra. In the practice of the right hand, meditation is the main element for liberation, in the left hand the ritual, which also includes spiritual-sexual practices.
What are the “Tantras”?
The Tantra teachings are in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and his lover Parvati. He explains to her the secret rituals of Tantra. The basics for this are the five “Ms”. These are symbols of the carnal lust, the lust for love, the lust for life. Because you could also say: Tantra is the spiritual path through and with the body to the joy of life. The tantric idea is divine.
- Mada – wine
- Matsya – fish
- Mansa – meat
- Mudra – grains
- Maithuna – sexual intercourse
What does reincarnation look like in Tantra?
As in the traditional teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism, Tantriks believe in rebirth in the constantly turning wheel of life. Only enlightenment can end the chain of reincarnation. In contrast to the teachings just mentioned, the tantrik is convinced that he can overcome attachments in this life and thus conquer karma.
Is tantra dangerous?
It is not for nothing that the tantric says that the path of tantra is a dangerous one. It’s easy to get lost in the numerous seemingly magical symbolism, the occult – the unconventional. In fact, Tantra Yoga opens up a path to the realization of the universal emptiness, the illusion of opposites. Liberation, knowledge can be achieved without completely giving up life in material enjoyment, in attachment.
The Kularnava Tantra says:
“If one truly achieved perfection through drinking wine, all drunkards would attain perfection. If virtues came from eating meat, all carnivorous animals in the world would be virtuous. O Goddess, if liberation were possible through the happiness of women, all beings in this world would be liberated.”
The teaching of Tantra is also a material, physical, sexual pleasure-generating, earthy spiritual attitude. The practice of “being me” through the body, as is our natural desire, is brought to the fore. While other spiritual practices focus on the mind, in Tantra the desired higher reality is to be achieved through one’s own body and its sensations – but always at a distance from earthly consciousness. In Tantra, the spiritual search through the mind is combined with practical physical exercises – always in honor of a deeper reality that needs to be achieved.

A book in answers
Th. Om about his works:
“I do not believe that the truth proclaimed in this book and other books of mine really comes from me. From me, as you can perceive me. Since the experience of the death of my one and only Shakti’s body, I have felt a very subtle need to write down certain things. Most of the time it is just a keyword that is at the beginning. At the end of my writing, I am most amazed at the structure and the explanatory concept that emerged.

12 words towards understanding
The first such writing was the text “12 Words towards Understanding”. Excerpts from this text as well as the reflections that Th. Om has written since then make up the work “A Book in Answers”. In One Hundred Conceptions, implementing different points of view and perspectives, the writer tries to give the truth a “tangible, understandable” face. People’s big questions find, astonishingly but actually, final explanations.
Description of the causes
What Th. Om wants to show here in terms of ultimate reality, with the help of language construction, goes beyond everything that has to do with the conventional thinking of humanity. In order to explain, the structure that makes up human thinking is described, its causes are shown – and much more. There is also a path shown here that actually solves all the problems of our existence. The source reality is shown, which, in its beauty, is “unbelievable” in the truest sense of the word.
Away from algorithms
Anyone who tries to understand this book’s message – no one claims that this is easy – must break away from the algorithms of conventional thinking. The idea of judgment, sin, guilt, fear, anger, attacking and defending collapses into nothingness if one follows the logical, very simple conclusions of Th. Om’s work. As the traveler repeatedly emphasizes:
“Creation, love, knows no secrets. She always offers you the simplest, most obvious solution. There will never be any mystery.”
The truth succeeds
“A Book in Answers” tries to get a little closer to this extraordinary, so fulfilling, liberating truth, reality, reality with the empty statements that the dualistic value system uses and has made into a premise. In fact, he succeeds. Therefore the work is a work of truth. There can be no lies, no half-truths, no interpretations, no interpretations here. That’s where the end is reached.
A holy book
It is precisely this – that it is the description of the Absolute in its perfect reality, truth, its perfect actuality – that makes the book SACRED. Without being able to tell the truth in any way: This book is the key to your universes, it makes every other “creed of faith” completely unnecessary, obsolete, and dissolves it in its basic constructions. It replaces the Bible and the Koran in a new understanding of things.

Age of understanding
This book is the entry into a new age of understanding, of truth – of love. The wave that goes across the globe – this is where it got a name. The search is over! The simple understanding that “A Book of Answers” demands is actually, truly “tangible” within reach – for each of us.
The universal key
“A Book in Answers” uniquely combines the dialectics, reasoning, and beliefs of every religion. It is the UNIVERSAL KEY. It is the Bible of the new earth. Here Eckhart Tolle’s thoughts come to an end, here Milarepa, Meister Eckhart, Spinoza and Buddha, Christ and Mohammed appear – all happily united in ALONE.
The Book of Light
It is a book of light. It is the all-embracing declaration of creation, of love. The way. Here, in wondrously tender resolution, the pulses of doubt fade away. We recognize who we are. Every fearful thought, the cemented belief in impermanence, a distant God in a world of discord – they no longer touch the one who only tries to understand.

Short biography
Th. Om

What is known about Th. Om is that, from his early youth, he lived as a begging monk on the streets of Europe for more than 12 years before he gained a foothold in Asia, especially in India. He spent more than two decades, with interruptions, in India, Nepal, Thailand and Cambodia.
After his previously restless search for meaning, the death of his only love, his companion Bettina, in Cambodia opened up his life Th. Om is tragically and truly miraculously the gateway to truth.
All the pieces of the puzzle, the fragments of knowledge and experience of what was learned, came together to form a completely clear picture. An image that, like love, represents an absolute truth, the light – a truth that is actually and here really, FINAL. Th. Om uses his gift of writing, of formulating, to paint the only truth that cannot be denied in an extremely clear way, on paper, into a certain form. To exclaim.
The work “A Book in Answers” is tender, proclaiming the glory of creation. Shows, explains, leads, opens. Nothing, not a single question, remains. This book is divine wind. A tender hurricane. A loving tornado. And not a speck of dust of sin, of transience, of suffering, of judgment, of doubt remains. White and pure, but awakening the most wonderful colors in your life, the loving creation shows itself.